Minnesota, known for its diverse wildlife and stunning natural landscapes, is also home to a captivating array of falcons soaring through its skies. From the majestic Peregrine Falcon to the elusive Merlin, these birds of prey command attention with their speed, agility, and hunting prowess.

We will delve into the world of falcons in Minnesota, exploring five distinct species that call this northern state their home. The falcons of Minnesota are sure to leave you in awe with their grace and power.

As you journey through the wilderness of Minnesota, keep your eyes peeled for sightings of the American Kestrel, with its vibrant plumage and fierce hunting skills.

Join us as we unravel the stories behind these remarkable birds and discover why falcons have become an integral part of Minnesota’s rich ecological tapestry. Get ready to soar alongside these magnificent predators and witness firsthand the magic of falcons in MN.

Falcons that can be Found Annually in Minnesota (3 Species)

American Kestrel

One of the most common falcons in Minnesota is the American Kestrel. With its distinctive rusty back and tail, white face, and underparts spotted with black, this small but fierce falcon is a delight to spot in the state’s open habitats. American Kestrels can be observed perching on wires or hovering over fields in search of prey, showcasing their exceptional hunting skills as they dive down to catch insects, small mammals, birds, or reptiles. We have started the journey about birds, in which we discuss birds by state, and their species, I have good knowledge about birds, Recently I wrote an article on Hawk species in Georgia.

The Falcons Of Minnesota has a wide range that extends across North America, including Minnesota where it can be seen throughout the year. While their preferred habitats include grasslands, meadows, and agricultural areas, they can also be spotted in urban environments such as parks and along highways. Their ability to adapt to various landscapes makes them a versatile and resilient species that continues to thrive even amidst changing environmental conditions.

To increase your chances of encountering an American Kestrel in Minnesota, head out to locations like Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge or Carlos Avery WMA where these charismatic birds are commonly sighted. Keep an eye out for their distinct calls and agile flight patterns as you scan the skies for these remarkable creatures that add a touch of wild beauty to the Minnesota landscape.

Merlin Falcon

One of the fascinating falcons in Minnesota is the Merlin. Known for its swift flight and agile hunting skills, Merlins are smaller falcons with a wingspan of around 20-26 inches. They can be identified by their dark gray plumage, pale undersides with streaks, and distinctive facial markings.

Merlins have a wide range across North America and are often found in open habitats such as grasslands, marshes, and forests. Their diet consists mainly of small birds like sparrows, swallows, and warblers which they catch in mid-air or by surprise attacks from perches. These adept hunters are known for their rapid dives to catch prey, showcasing their precision and speed.

To catch a glimpse of these magnificent falcons in Minnesota, head to areas with abundant bird species like wetlands or open fields during migration seasons. Keep an eye out for them perched on fences or utility poles scanning for potential prey before launching into impressive aerial displays. Spotting a Merlin in action is sure to be a thrilling experience for any bird enthusiast in the Land of 10,000 Lakes.

Peregrine Falcon

One of the most impressive falcons in Minnesota is the Peregrine Falcon. Known for its incredible speed and agility, this bird of prey can reach speeds of over 240 miles per hour when diving for prey. The Peregrine Falcon in Minnesota is easily identified by its blue-gray back and wings, white underparts with dark bars, and distinctive black sideburns on its face.

In terms of range, the Peregrine Falcon can be found in a variety of habitats in Minnesota, including urban areas, cliffs, and open landscapes. Falcons of Minnesota primarily feed on other birds, such as pigeons and ducks, which they catches mid-air or by surprise attack.

If you’re looking to spot a Peregrine Falcon in Minnesota, keep an eye out for them near large bodies of water or along river valleys where they like to hunt.

The Peregrine Falcon is a fascinating species that has adapted well to both natural and man-made environments in Minnesota. With their impressive hunting skills and striking appearance, these falcons are a thrilling sight for birdwatchers across the state.

Falcons that are Rare in Minnesota (2 Species)

Gyrfalcon (Rare)

One of the rarest falcons to grace the skies of Minnesota is the Gyrfalcon. Known for its majestic presence and impressive size, this bird of prey stands out among its falcon relatives. With a wingspan that can reach up to 55 inches, the Gyrfalcon falcon of minnesota is a sight to behold in the wild. Its distinguishing features include a pale plumage that varies from white to gray, with dark spots and bars across its body.

In terms of range, these magnificent birds are typically found in remote northern regions such as Canada and Alaska. lucky observers in Minnesota may catch a glimpse of them during their winter migration southwards in search of food.

Their diet mainly consists of other birds, which they hunt by diving from great heights or ambushing them while perched on rocky outcrops. To spot these elusive creatures in Minnesota, head to open areas like prairies or lakeshores where they can be seen scanning for prey from high vantage points.

The Gyrfalcon’s range extends to the Arctic region, making occasional appearances in Minnesota during winter months as they follow their migrating prey.

Prairie Falcon (Rare)

The elusive Prairie Falcon is a rare sight in the Minnesota skies, making any encounter with this majestic bird a remarkable experience for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike. With its distinctive pale plumage contrasting with dark streaks, the Prairie falcons of Minnesota can often be identified by its sharp facial markings and a unique moustache-like stripe that sets it apart from other Falcon in Minnesota species. Known to frequent vast open prairies and rocky cliffs, these solitary predators are skilled hunters preying on small mammals like ground squirrels and birds through swift aerial maneuvers.

Falcon in Minnesota, spotting a Prairie Falcon offers a glimpse into the state’s diverse avian population as they are mainly found in the western regions near grasslands, agricultural fields, or rugged landscapes. Nomadic in nature due to their unpredictable food sources, these falcons have been observed perched on power lines or rock formations scouting for potential prey such as meadowlarks or pheasants.

For those seeking to catch a glimpse of these rare beauties, keeping an eye out for them soaring gracefully across the expansive horizons of western Minnesota may result in an unforgettable wildlife encounter that showcases nature’s resilience and beauty.


Types of falcons in Minnesota?

Peregrine falcon, American kestrel, and merlin are commonly seen in Minnesota.

Are there Falcons in Minnesota?

Yes, peregrine falcons can be found in Minnesota.

What states have falcons?

Falcons can be found in all 50 states of the United States, with different species prevalent in various regions.

Where do peregrine falcons live?

Peregrine falcons can be found on every continent except Antarctica.


Falcons of Minnesota are a diverse and fascinating group of birds that play an important role in the state’s ecosystem. From the majestic peregrine falcon to the elusive merlin, each species brings its unique characteristics and behaviors. By understanding and appreciating these birds, we can better protect their habitats and ensure their continued presence in Minnesota’s skies. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or just starting, taking the time to learn about these magnificent creatures can be a rewarding experience. So next time you’re out exploring nature in Minnesota, keep an eye out for these incredible falcons and marvel at their beauty.