How To keep Hawks Away From Bird Feeders

How to keep hawks away from bird feeders, ensuring a haven for your avian visitors to enjoy their meals undisturbed? Hawks have discovered your avian oasis, turning it from a peaceful haven into a dangerous battlefield. If you find yourself asking how I deter hawks from my backyard birds, fear not – for we have gathered expert advice and proven strategies to help you safeguard your beloved feathered friends and maintain harmony in your garden sanctuary. Join us on this journey as we unveil the secrets to keeping these majestic predators at bay and ensuring that your bird feeders remain a safe refuge for all who visit.

Provide cover from the above.

One clever strategy for effectively deterring hawks from targeting your backyard bird feeders is to provide cover from above. Installing a roof or overhead structure above the feeders can limit birds’ visibility from aerial predators like hawks. By creating a physical barrier between the hawks and your feathered visitors, you can disrupt their hunting patterns and encourage them to look elsewhere for prey.

Another creative way to offer cover from above is by strategically placing tall trees or dense shrubs near the bird feeders. These natural elements not only provide shelter for smaller birds but also create obstacles that make it difficult for hawks to swoop down and catch their prey.

By ensuring there are plenty of hiding spots and visual barriers in place, you can help keep hawks at bay while still providing a haven for your backyard birds to enjoy their meals in peace.

Provide ground cover

One effective way to keep hawks away from your bird feeders is to provide ample ground cover for the birds. By creating dense shrubs or planting bushes near the feeders, smaller birds have a safe place to retreat if a hawk approaches. This natural barrier can deter hawks from swooping in for an easy meal, as they prefer open spaces where they can easily spot their prey.

Another strategy to prevent hawks from targeting your backyard birds is by adding reflective objects near the feeders. Hawks are territorial and may be deterred by shiny or moving objects such as wind chimes, old CDs, or metallic streamers. The reflection and movement confuse and startle the hawks, making them more reluctant to approach the area.

Remember that deterring hawks from bird feeders requires creativity and patience as you find what works best for your specific situation. As you implement these tactics, observe any changes in hawk behavior and adjust accordingly to ensure a harmonious balance between wildlife preservation and bird-feeding enjoyment.

Put up window decals.

One effective way to keep hawks away from bird feeders is by putting up window decals near the feeding area. Hawks are known for their keen eyesight, and the presence of decals can help create a visual barrier that deters them from swooping in. The movement and reflection of light of these decals mimic the presence of a larger predator, making hawks think twice before approaching.

Another method to deter hawks from your backyard birds is by installing a hawk deterrent device. These devices use sound or motion to scare off hawks when they come near the feeder area. By disrupting their hunting patterns and creating an environment of unpredictability, you can effectively discourage hawks from preying on your feathered visitors. Consider combining multiple methods for a comprehensive approach to protecting your backyard birds from potential hawk attacks. Let me tell you: Hawk species in Georgia, one cannot overlook the majestic red-tailed hawk. Get more info,

Take down feeders

To deter hawks from your bird feeders, take them down temporarily. By removing the feeders for a week or two, you can disrupt the birds’ routine and make the area less attractive to hawks. During this time, consider providing alternative food sources such as natural bushes or trees that mimic their natural foraging environment.

Another trick is to place shiny objects near your bird feeders strategically. Hawks are often deterred by reflective surfaces that create glare and disorient them. Hanging CDs, aluminum foil strips, or even old DVDs around the feeding area can help divert these magnificent predators away from your backyard birds. This simple and inexpensive technique could be just the solution you need to keep hawks at bay while still enjoying watching your feathered friends safely dine in peace.

Do nothing

Do nothing: While it may seem counterintuitive, sometimes the best approach to keeping hawks away from your bird feeders is to let nature take its course. Hawks are essential for balancing ecosystems and controlling populations of rodents and pests. Allowing hawks to visit your backyard occasionally encourages a more natural balance of wildlife in your area.

Deterrents: If you want to actively deter hawks from targeting your backyard birds, a few methods can be effective. One common technique is to install reflective objects near the bird feeders, such as shiny tape or old CDs hanging from nearby trees. The sunlight reflecting off these objects can create an unpredictable environment for hawks, making them less likely to swoop down for a meal. Additionally, setting up physical barriers like mesh netting or wire cages around the feeders can help protect smaller birds from potential attacks by hawks.


keeping hawks away from bird feeders requires a combination of proactive measures and an understanding of their natural behaviors. By implementing strategies such as installing physical barriers, placing feeders in safe locations, and providing alternative food sources for hawks, bird enthusiasts can help protect the smaller birds in their yards. It is important to remember that hawks play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance and should be respected despite their predatory nature. With patience and persistence, it is possible to coexist peacefully with these majestic creatures while ensuring the safety of our feathered friends. Take action today to create a harmonious environment for all bird species to thrive in your backyard.


How do I get rid of hawks around my bird feeder?

Implementing physical deterrents such as netting or hanging shiny objects can help keep hawks away.

What is the best deterrent for hawks?

Installing bird netting or using scare devices such as reflective tape or predator decoys can help deter hawks.

What are hawks scared of?

Hawks are generally not scared of much, but they may be cautious around larger predators or loud noises.

How do birds know when a hawk is around?

Birds have keen eyesight and can spot hawks from afar due to their distinctive shape and movement patterns.